On Cockney English:
BARLTROP, Robert; WOLVERIDGE, Jim. The Muvver Tongue. Journeyman Press, 1980.
NØDTVEDT, Harald. Phonological variation and change in London Cockney English: A sociolinguistic study. 2011. Tese de Doutorado. Master’s thesis, Department of English, University of Bergen.
SIVERTSEN, Eva. Cockney phonology. University Press, 1960.
(register)MATTHEWS, William. Cockney past and present: A short history of the dialect of London. Routledge, 2015.
On Sociolinguistics of English Language:
FISHMAN, Joshua A. (Ed.). Readings in the Sociology of Language: Edited by Joshua A. Fishman,.. Hague; Paris: Mouton, 1968.
MCCRUM, Robert; CRAN, William; MACNEIL, Robert. The story of English. Penguin Group USA, 2003.
On George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion":
GLENZER, Holly. Living learning theory through My Fair Lady. British journal of educational technology, v. 36, n. 1, p. 101-105, 2005.
Shaw, subjective inequality, and the social meanings of language in Pygmalion. The Review of English Studies,
v. 44, n. 175, p. 373-385, 1993.
Language and Politics on Stage: Strategies for Translating Dialect and Slang
with References to Shaw's Pygmalion and Bond's Saved. Translation review, v. 64, n.
1, p. 45-53, 2002.
SHAW, George Bernard. Pygmalion. Simon and Schuster, 2012.
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